Lockwood 7726DA Series Premium Range Surface Mounted Door Closer
The Lockwood Rack and Pinion Slide Arm Series provides for a cleaner, more aesthetic appearance on the door whilst utilising the same robust features and benefits of Rack and Pinion functionality.Ideally suited for schools, hospitals or doors where children, disabled or the aged may enter.
EN adjustable power 2 to 6
Adjustable back check (BC)
Adjustable hold-open can be set at any angle up to 130° of opening
Suitable for left or right hand doors
Fully formed metal cover
Extruded aluminium body manufactured from high-performance silicon alloy
Rack and pinion mechanism design
Regular, parallel and over-door mounting
Adjustable closing and latching speed valves with overload protection
Adjustable delayed action
Supplied in trade pack
Standards and Compliance
The Lockwood 7726SRDA series closer has been successfully tested upto four hours (depending on type of doorset) on fire door assemblies in accordance with Australian Standard AS1905.1:2005, Part: Fire Resistant Door sets.
Note: Hold open option is not approved on any fire door.
Mounting Options:
Slide Arm Pull Side
Closer installed on pull side of door. This mounting position permits opening of 130°.
Slide Arm Push Side
Closer installed on push side of door. This mounting position permits opening of 130°.
Slide Arm Over Door Push Side
Closer installed on push side of door and top rail where conditions do not allow parallel mounting. This mounting position permits opening of 130°
Silver SIL