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    Turfclean Ultra is a fast-acting lawn weed killer that controls the broadest range of lawn weeds. Kills broadleaf weeds including dandelion, clover, Hydrocotyle, Onehunga, selfheal, speedwell, oxalis, daisies, dock, plantain and more…Fast.

    Multi action formula – systemic actives work together to control all the common broadleaf lawn weeds.
    Curative – Kills existing broadleaf weeds, dandelion, clover, Hydrocotyle, Onehunga, selfheal, speedwell, oxalis, daisies, dock, plantain and many more.
    Preventative – continues activity in the soil to suppress growth of weeds and moss for an extended period.
    Unlike similar products the balance of actives has been selected to reduce the risk of burn to fine turf grasses used in New Zealand lawns.
    Safe for children and pets once dry.
    Expect visible effects within 2 days.
    If composting lawn clippings, do not use as compost for 6 months.
    NOTE: Not for use on lawns where cotula, dichondra, buffalo lawns or clover is being encouraged.

    Do not use on new lawns until after the first 3 months.

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