Yates Tuff Grass Lawn Seed establishes quickly, delivering a vibrant green lawn, and crowding out unsightly weeds. Ideal for lawns that need to hold up to lots of wear and tear, great for high traffic zones and play areas for kids and pets.
Resistant to wear & tear
Dark green colour, medium soft blades
Turf type Ryegrass and Chewings Fescue blend
Germinates in 7 days*
Easy to establish
Low maintenance
Drought tolerant
Added Zeolite to build soil health
Suitable for both sunny and shady positions
*Germination times are dependent upon temperature and soil moisture levels. Germination may take longer than specified if the soil temperature is below 12°C and when the soil is not kept sufficiently moist.
Yates® Tuff Grass Lawn Seed will always have the same seed blend, giving your lawn a consistent colour and texture time and time again.Yates Tuff Grass Lawn Seed establishes quickly, delivering a vibrant green lawn, and crowding out unsightly weeds. Ideal for lawns that need to hold up to lots of wear and tear, great for high traffic zones and play areas for kids and pets.
Resistant to wear & tear
Dark green colour, medium soft blades
Turf type Ryegrass and Chewings Fescue blend
Germinates in 7 days*
Easy to establish
Low maintenance
Drought tolerant
Added Zeolite to build soil health
Suitable for both sunny and shady positions
*Germination times are dependent upon temperature and soil moisture levels. Germination may take longer than specified if the soil temperature is below 12°C and when the soil is not kept sufficiently moist.
Yates® Tuff Grass Lawn Seed will always have the same seed blend, giving your lawn a consistent colour and texture time and time again.